Episode 044 – How to Get Promoted at Work | Chief Money Man
Today we are thrilled to present our first guest from France! Marc from the Chief Money Man blog will talk with us about career advancement, financial independence and many other interesting topics, exposing his personal perspective right from the heart of EU.
We also talk about:
- Reframing objectives on the road to FI
- Investment strategies
- Communication and dress codes
- Being goal-driven
- Salary and bonuses
- Benefits for financial independence in France
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Career path and the road to financial independence
Marc’s career has seen an upward trajectory and he is now CFO in his company: throughout his career he was analysing the internal mechanisms of a lot of companies, identifying strengths and weaknesses and the factors that determined career movements within and across companies. He also came across the FI movement thanks to the Mr. Money Mustache blog, and has posed his life objectives and investment plans accordingly.
Career advancement strategies in companies
Marc’s blog is focused on the topic of career advancement: starting from his own experience, he identifies the key advancement factors, taking being good at our job as a given. Companies are not perfect machines, they are run by people and so other variables related to emotions come into play: getting a promotion is strongly influenced by our adherence to the company culture and our understanding of the decision process within it.
How and when to move to another company
Considering the option to move to another company can be beneficial in a number of ways to your career path: even if you don’t make the switch at the moment, evaluating your worth and what options are available is a good exercise and can become an asset in internal negotiations, accelerating movement within the company as well. Marc explains his strategies about how and when moving to another company can be effective and sometimes even necessary for your career.
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