Episode CF011 – Settling Down In Spain | Paul from Cutting Through Chaos
Hello! In this Friday episode we listen to the second part of our chat with Paul from Cutting Through Chaos. We follow him explaining the next move in his life trajectory from Zambia to Spain, and how it has influenced his lifestyle and FI situation. Enjoy!
We also talk about:
- Montessori education
- Making a 1-year break look good in a CV
- Mental energy
- Advice for a sabbatical
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Spain as a worthwhile destination
In April Paul and his family moved from Zambia to Spain: this choice came after a long time of reasoning and evaluating multiple options. Spain had a lot of upsides for Paul as he grew up in Latin America so he already knew the language: but learning another widely spoken language was a big plus for the rest of the family, and the education system proved to be a good fit with the needs of the children. And having great weather and food was a factor too!
Cost of living in Spain
Before making the switch Paul and his wife made a couple of trips in various parts of Spain to choose a suitable location. In true FI spirit, Paul armed himself with spreadsheets and performed a comparison of the cost of living in Spain and the UK. The conclusion, confirmed after the first months living there, is that there has been a significant cut in expenses, helped by some smart moves by Paul and his wife to optimize education costs.
The process of moving to another country
After two family moves that could have a huge impact on anyone’s life, from Scotland to Zambia and from Zambia to Spain, listening to some advice, good practices and considerations on the topic from Paul is a great chance to get valuable information and be inspired to evaluate life choices under a different light.
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