The FI Europe Podcast is Doing a Christmas Giveaway! 🎉🎄

The FI Europe Podcast is Doing a Christmas Giveaway! 🎉🎄

We’re very excited to be doing a Giveaway this year for Christmas – spreading the FI love and giving away some awesome presents 😍

Here’s a little recap of what we’re giving away:

fi europe prizes


GRAND PRIZE: The Financial Independence Europe Retreat

In 2018 we all met up in Aljezur, Portugal, and it was an amazing experience. 12 people came to Aljezur and hosted their own workshops on personal finance. It was a crazy few days meeting tons of amazing like-minded people and learning so much about money 🤑🤑

So the Financial Independence Europe Podcast will be hosting this year’s Financial Independence Retreat for 2019.

For who is this event?

Anyone from any country who wants to meet other personal finance nerds (and possibilities of one on one coaching!).


We’re thinking Portugal again, but we’re up for suggestions!


End of May/June

How much?

Flights, accommodation and food are paid individually. We cover hosting place and making sure everything works out. The price won’t go above 150€.

For how long?

3-5 days

And what will we be doing?

We will have speakers and workshops managed by people from all over Europe. Bloggers, podcasters, financial advisors, you name it. Oh and a big party 🎉

Planning is still underway, more details will be out soon!


2nd PRIZE: 1h Coaching with Ken Okoroafor, founder of the Award Winning Site (or 1h with us 😉)

We’ve partnered up with our good friend Ken from London. He runs the great site The Humble Penny which helps people reach financial independence in the UK. He has already reached FI and has appeared on the BBC, the Daily Mail and other media. He works with an investment firm and has been coaching for a while now.

One person will get 1 hour of free coaching with him and 2 others will get 1 hour with us 💪


3rd PRIZE: The Sustainable Frugal Package

The sustainable what???? Basically a cool little collection of items we’ve chosen on Amazon that are Zero Waste and for frugal people on their FI path. It’s a surprise – so no more information 😉


4th PRIZE: Hand Picked Top FI Books

These are books we personally love here at FI Europe. They have either changed our lives or have taught us a great deal. Here is a book you might be able to get:

  1. Essentialism by Greg McKeown
  2. The Intelligent Investor by Benjamin Graham
  3. RESET: How to Restart Your Life and get FU Money by David Sawyer
  4. Age of Anomaly by Andrei Polgar


And for everyone who enters…

A BONUS episode about how to set your financial goals. We dive deep into how a 20 year old, a 26 year old and a 30 something year old plans for the future, and how you can too. Interesting and a great kick off for the year 2019 😉

To enter, please click the picture below



Oh, and the more people you get to sign up, the more likely you are to win! Help spread the message of financial freedom together with us 🎉🎉


Update: XMAS Giveaway 2018 ended. All winners are notified and prices underway 🙂 !


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