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Tag: Investing

Asset Classes: 6 Alternatives to Stocks and Shares

Asset Classes: 6 Alternatives to Stocks and Shares

Are you worried about the risks of the stock market?  It’s true that while some of us can be wildly successful, others suffer huge losses when investing in stocks and shares.  Therefore, we talk about diversification. This is the process of spreading your investment across different asset classes in order to reduce the systematic risk associated with your portfolio. For example, those who diversified their asset allocation before 2020 would have avoided some of the big losses associated with the…

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Episode 16 – How to Start Investing and Europe FIRE Tools

Episode 16 – How to Start Investing and Europe FIRE Tools

Our second Friday episode! We asked the Reddit and Facebook groups for questions and got an amazing response – today we discuss how to get started with investing as a beginner and some awesome resources for us Europeans to reach FI in Europe. What we talk about: The simple way of getting started with investing How Araminta and Mathias got started The difference between ETFs and index funds European resources used by every co-host The European equivalent to US FIRE…

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