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21 Side Hustle Ideas for Extra Money

21 Side Hustle Ideas for Extra Money

The community here at Financial Independence Europe have at least one thing in common: we are all striving for financial freedom. Sometimes, the FIRE movement can feel limiting on your lifestyle and your pockets, with a focus on reducing expenses. But it doesn’t have to be.    Creating additional income through side hustles is a great way to expand your lifestyle and financial goals. In fact, it means that you can strive towards financial independence while inflating your costs and…

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How to Retire Early in Europe

How to Retire Early in Europe

Did you know that 1 in 4 millennials are aiming to retire early in Europe? That’s a huge chunk of our workforce! But it’s incredibly difficult to chase early retirement without either a huge inheritance, or a six-figure salary.  Contrary to what traditional media might have you believe, you don’t need to be earning top dollar in order to shave off a decade or two of your working life. In fact, financial independence is becoming more available than ever. So…

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Asset Classes: 6 Alternatives to Stocks and Shares

Asset Classes: 6 Alternatives to Stocks and Shares

Are you worried about the risks of the stock market?  It’s true that while some of us can be wildly successful, others suffer huge losses when investing in stocks and shares.  Therefore, we talk about diversification. This is the process of spreading your investment across different asset classes in order to reduce the systematic risk associated with your portfolio. For example, those who diversified their asset allocation before 2020 would have avoided some of the big losses associated with the…

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Early Retirement is unrealistic in Europe: here’s why

Early Retirement is unrealistic in Europe: here’s why

We’ve all been there. You’ve scanned over your annual expenses, debt and taken a look at financial goals. You’ve got children to look after and big purchases coming up. The FIRE calculator just isn’t showing you the right figures and early retirement seems impossible.  You’re right, it is difficult to retire early in Europe.  But it’s not impossible.  We’re tired of the myth that early retirement is impossible in Europe, and today we’re here to debunk a few. Read on to…

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What is Impact Investing?

What is Impact Investing?

Do you care about where your money is going? Does your investment portfolio align with your interests? Balance the risk of investing by spreading your resources across a number of different opportunities. It’s called asset class allocation. For example, you might invest capital as cash, into real estate or an etf. This strategy is one way to protect your hard-earned cash against market disruptions or corrections.  However, some investors take it a step further with impact investing. In fact, 75%…

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