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Category: Germany

Episode 148 – FI Meetups in Europe

Episode 148 – FI Meetups in Europe

Today Alvar is back with the Podcast after longer break. Together we discuss all FI Meetups we know in Europe. If you have more send us a message at financialindependenceeurope at or DM on Twitter, Facebook or Instagram @FiEurope. Feel free to reach out to us also to connect! We talk about What we’ve done in the break Meetups we host Meetups we have visited and like   Don’t forget to subscribe our podcast on Itunes, Android or Spotify. Direct…

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Episode 140 – Reversing wrong life choices | Silke Rosenbusch

Episode 140 – Reversing wrong life choices | Silke Rosenbusch

Hi FI Europeans, have you ever ask yourself how life would be if you haven’t chosen a certain life path? If you would have studied something different If you would have changed job earlier if your husband had taken more parental leave and you could better accelerate your career   While you cannot change the past without a time machine you might want to go into a new direction in the present or future. Today I talk about reversing “wrong”…

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Episode CF03 – Reaching FI In High-Cost Countries | Tobias

Episode CF03 – Reaching FI In High-Cost Countries | Tobias

Hello from FI Europe for another Community Friday. Today Mathias talks with a member of our community, his name is Tobias and he calls itself a lazy investor. He’s an Austrian who lived in Germany and now lives in Switzerland, so we talk about how he works towards FI in these high costs countries and how the pension systems works there. We also talk about his favourite investment strategies. Enjoy! We also talk about: The value of Masters Digital accelerators…

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Episode 033 – Using Real Estate and Geoarbitrage to Get a 7% Yearly Return | Ines

Episode 033 – Using Real Estate and Geoarbitrage to Get a 7% Yearly Return | Ines

Today we talk with Ines from Portugal. She currently lives in Germany and works in banking and finance, and is investing in real estate in her homeland in order to accelerate her path to FI. We also talk about: Real estate investing A different mindset to achieve FI The importance of budgeting Portugal as a convenient place for investing How the current political situation can influence investing Renting vs. buying Don’t forget to subscribe our podcast on Itunes, Android or Spotify….

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Episode 021 – How to Use Automation to Build your Business | Benjamin Schleier

Episode 021 – How to Use Automation to Build your Business | Benjamin Schleier

Today’s episode is with the very inspiring Benjamin from Germany. An entrepreneur who started at the ripe young age of 19, he now manages several companies, has over 16 employees and uses automation to reach FI 😎 What we talk about: How Benjamin started at the age of 19 His first customer and first employee Starting a business in Germany How he approaches leadership The huge role of automation in his business and life Ben’s future FI plans Don’t forget…

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