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Category: Tax optimization

Episode 024 – Case Study Part 1: How to Pick a Broker, ETFs and Protect Yourself From Taxes

Episode 024 – Case Study Part 1: How to Pick a Broker, ETFs and Protect Yourself From Taxes

This episode is our first ever case study! We talk with Nicolas, a Romanian living in the Netherlands who has a few questions about ETFs and wants to learn the non BS way to get started with investing. This one is Part 1, Part 2 is coming out next week! What we talk about: Who Nicolas is Nicolas’ goals and current situation Where to get started with brokers The importance of starting simple How to assess ETFs Protecting yourself from…

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Episode 023 – You Can Build a Business in Estonia | Micropreneur

Episode 023 – You Can Build a Business in Estonia | Micropreneur

Bienvenidos! Today we interview Ignacio the digital nomad! He explains the pros and cons of building a business in Estonia, how to get started and how he travels and works at the same time 💻 What we talk about: Why build a business in Estonia How to get started Salaries and taxes Why it’s maybe not for non digital nomads His future plans Don’t forget to subscribe our podcast on Itunes, Android or Spotify. Direct download here. Why Estonia? Estonia is…

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Episode 019: Reaching FI and Paying Wealth Tax | Cheesy Finance

Episode 019: Reaching FI and Paying Wealth Tax | Cheesy Finance

Hoi hoi! Today we have an awesome guest from the Netherlands! Mr Cheesy reached FI this year in April, so we discuss how he did this in Holland, what he really does all day and what saving €€ is really all about. What we talk about: Mr Cheesy’s intro to FI What he does all day The Cheesy Index and the Dutch tax system Saving 100k€ His awesome Europe trip Don’t forget to subscribe our podcast on Itunes, Android or Spotify….

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Episode 07 – Get to FI in Dubai

Episode 07 – Get to FI in Dubai

Welcome to episode 07 of our FI Europe podcast! Today I had the honour of interviewing Steve from Dead Simple Saving, a Brit who’s worked all the way in Dubai and has now reached Financial Independence. Since both my co-hosts were away at the time (one with a new baby and one on a plane), I was the sole interviewer and it was my first time in person! I was a little nervous at first, but Steve was a great…

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