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Category: Employee

Episode 067 – Is being happy as an employee possible? | Kristina from Employay

Episode 067 – Is being happy as an employee possible? | Kristina from Employay

Hello and welcome to another episode of the Financial Independence Europe Podcast! Today we talk with Kristina Mayer-Walcker: she works for a leading Digital Bank and is also the host of Employay – a podcast about leadership, employee satisfaction and company culture. Today we talk about how people can be more satisfied and happy in the workplace, how to improve happiness and how to find out when it’s time to move on to somewhere else. This episode is packed with…

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Episode 033 – Using Real Estate and Geoarbitrage to Get a 7% Yearly Return | Ines

Episode 033 – Using Real Estate and Geoarbitrage to Get a 7% Yearly Return | Ines

Today we talk with Ines from Portugal. She currently lives in Germany and works in banking and finance, and is investing in real estate in her homeland in order to accelerate her path to FI. We also talk about: Real estate investing A different mindset to achieve FI The importance of budgeting Portugal as a convenient place for investing How the current political situation can influence investing Renting vs. buying Don’t forget to subscribe our podcast on Itunes, Android or Spotify….

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