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Category: Entrepreneur

Episode 031 – How to Use a Company to Legally Reduce Taxes | Hustle to Independence

Episode 031 – How to Use a Company to Legally Reduce Taxes | Hustle to Independence

你好! Today we talk to Jons from the Netherlands who is currently living and working in China. He runs an IT agency in Hong Kong and is involved in a company based in Estonia, using both to manage his investments and legally reduce taxes 💁. We also talk about: The advantages of the e-Residency program of Estonia compared to other countries Using companies as a way to invest efficiently China as a base for all Jons’s activities Starting up companies in…

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Episode 023 – You Can Build a Business in Estonia | Micropreneur

Episode 023 – You Can Build a Business in Estonia | Micropreneur

Bienvenidos! Today we interview Ignacio the digital nomad! He explains the pros and cons of building a business in Estonia, how to get started and how he travels and works at the same time 💻 What we talk about: Why build a business in Estonia How to get started Salaries and taxes Why it’s maybe not for non digital nomads His future plans Don’t forget to subscribe our podcast on Itunes, Android or Spotify. Direct download here. Why Estonia? Estonia is…

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Episode 021 – How to Use Automation to Build your Business | Benjamin Schleier

Episode 021 – How to Use Automation to Build your Business | Benjamin Schleier

Today’s episode is with the very inspiring Benjamin from Germany. An entrepreneur who started at the ripe young age of 19, he now manages several companies, has over 16 employees and uses automation to reach FI 😎 What we talk about: How Benjamin started at the age of 19 His first customer and first employee Starting a business in Germany How he approaches leadership The huge role of automation in his business and life Ben’s future FI plans Don’t forget…

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