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Author: Alvar

Episode 134 – Life Update Nomad Numbers & RE in Taiwan | Nomad Numbers

Episode 134 – Life Update Nomad Numbers & RE in Taiwan | Nomad Numbers

In today’s interview, Alvar interviews Mr. Nomad Numbers on how FIRE life is looking like in Taiwan and which advantages it brings. They also cover an update on the Nomad Numbers journey and where they are at in their travels. We also talk about: FI in Taiwan Travelling during COVID-19 Life update for nomad numbers Don’t forget to subscribe our podcast on Itunes, Android or Spotify. Direct download here. Let us know what you think about the Interview in the comments…

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Episode 131 – How to stay financially and mentally sane in 2021 | Dave from FireDaveG

Episode 131 – How to stay financially and mentally sane in 2021 | Dave from FireDaveG

In this episode, I am interviewing Dave from Ireland on best practices for staying mentally and financially fit in 2021. Dave covers what he has learned over the years through experience and research. He covers his own FI journey through real estate investment as the main driver and his ETF-portfolio We also talk about: Real estate investing What to do after reaching FI Mental health in the FIRE community   Don’t forget to subscribe our podcast on Itunes, Android or Spotify….

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Episode 128 – How to Reinvent Yourself as a Self Employed FI Seeker | Joshua from The Art of Money Saving Podcast

Episode 128 – How to Reinvent Yourself as a Self Employed FI Seeker | Joshua from The Art of Money Saving Podcast

In this episode, Alvar is interviewing Joshua from the Art of Money Saving Podcast and discuss the struggles and gains of a self-employed person during pandemic times. Joshua used to work as an opera singer touring around the world giving shows and earning his FI capital this way over time. But since early this year he no longer has this option and is in the process of using his existing skills to dive into different markets like presentation training, coaching,…

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Episode 125 – How To Stay Mentally Healthy While Getting to FI | Shereen

Episode 125 – How To Stay Mentally Healthy While Getting to FI | Shereen

In this episode, Alvar interviews Shereen from the USA, and they discuss what financial stress can do to your life and how it can disrupt your Fi journey. Shereen also goes into a number of best practices answering the questions that drive you and a number of mental health best practices. We also talk about: How to make choices Mental health in the FI community Best practices staying sane   Don’t forget to subscribe our podcast on Itunes, Android or Spotify….

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Episode 123 – How To Manage Your FI Life With An App | Logan from Topia

Episode 123 – How To Manage Your FI Life With An App | Logan from Topia

In this episode Alvar interviews Logan the CEO of FI planning application Topia. They discuss Logans Fi story and what brought him to give up his job and develop an application to track your Fi journey. Next they discuss Topia in great length and cover how it can help you track expenses, become aware of your financial trends and how to look ahead. We also discuss: Logans FI story Topia the FI ap How is Topia making money Where is…

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Episode 121 – Getting To FI In 5 Years With His Rental Business | Lance

Episode 121 – Getting To FI In 5 Years With His Rental Business | Lance

In this Episode Alvar interviews Lance on his journey around the globe and how he reached FI. The interview is focussing on the way Lance gets to FI by moving all around the globe and buying up a business in need of renovation and a lot of work. We finish up the interview with Lance explaining how his last development projects came together. We also talk about: Lances FI journey Real estate investing Don’t forget to subscribe our podcast on Itunes,…

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Episode 117 – The power of a Sabbatical and House Hacking Yourself to FI | Man Overseas

Episode 117 – The power of a Sabbatical and House Hacking Yourself to FI | Man Overseas

In this Episode Alvar interviews Brad from the Man Overseas on his journey to financial independence and how he is making it work. We also talk about: House hacking How to invest in real estate Alternative investments Don’t forget to subscribe to our podcast on Itunes, Android or Spotify. Direct download here. Join our facebook group and subscribe to our newsletter to get infos about our latest online events

Episode 111 – How to run your business during Covid | Fergus

Episode 111 – How to run your business during Covid | Fergus

In this episode, Alvar is interviewing Fergus on how to manage your family, life, and business during the recent Covid-19 times. Fergus is also the organizer of Fi Edinburgh meetup and has many great stories to share. We also talk about: How Fergus started his business from the ground-up and managed them remotely His take on FI How he is managing his business during Covid-19 How to start your own FI meetup Don’t forget to subscribe to our podcast on…

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Episode 108 – Fintech Yourself to FI | Alvar & Matthias

Episode 108 – Fintech Yourself to FI | Alvar & Matthias

This site contains affiliate links to products. We may receive a commission for purchases made through these links.   Hey FI Europeans, this is Mathias. Today Alvar and me are sharing ideas on FinTech. We explain what it is and review how it changed our lives in different areas- We also share how we came across it and talk about the apps and services we use. You can also find out about them in the show notes if you’re curious….

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Episode 107 – Building The FI Mindset | Nupin from the Fi club.

Episode 107 – Building The FI Mindset | Nupin from the Fi club.

In this episode Alvar interviews Nupin from the Fi club on building your FI mindset! The whole purpose of this interview is putting things into perspective and discussing the mental framework need to get to Fi. We discuss the current market situation and what it can mean. As Nupin says  ” your FI Journey is not a sprint but a marathon, we need to make sure that we have the right mental attitude”   We also talk about Nupins approach…

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