Episode 069 – Slow Travel & Reaching FI as a French citizen thanks to geo-arbitrage | Mr. and Mrs. NomadNumbers
Welcome to another episode of the FI Europe podcast! Today we dive deep into very interesting topics like geoarbitrage, moving to the US and getting a high income salary and then potentially moving back to Europe: we’ll discuss all that and everything in between with Mr. and Mrs. NomadNumbers, sit back and have fun!
We also talk about:
- The Simple Path To Wealth
- Investing between US and Europe
- Vanguard ETF
- A typical day as a FI nomad
- US travel hacking
- US tax benefits
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Financial independence to make a nomadic lifestyle ideal come true
Mr. and Mrs. NomadNumbers are 38 and 36 respectively, and they have become financially independent last year. They left the nice apartment they had in San Francisco, prepared their backpacks and have lived a nomadic life for about one year, travelling within the US, Canada, Mexico, Aruba, and now travelling within Europe where Mr. NomadNumbers’ family lives. The couple plan on living a nomadic life for the foreseeable future but think about where they might want to make their homebase one day. They got in contact with the FI movement a couple of years ago, and used the knowledge they found to pursue their ideal of a nomadic lifestyle, and being already frugal persons they have been able to get a very high saving rate from the get-go.
A masterful application of geoarbitrage
Mr. and Mrs. NomadNumbers have applied the concept of geoarbitrage in a masterful way: only by relocating in the Bay Area, Mr. NomadNumbers more than doubled his earnings, then after about ten years of career in the IT sector he more than doubled that amount again. This made for a very high saving rate, and they also invested in some real estate in France along with other strategies: all this has helped achieve the FI goal in a very short amount of time, thanks to geoarbitrage acting as a multiplying factor.
A look at the life of two financially independent nomads
Now that they have full control of their time, Mr. and Mrs. Nomad Numbers have tailored their life so that it can best serve all their needs. While each year evolves around travel & exploration, they have decided to spend one third with their respective families. . They have adopted a slow travelling pace that lets them have the time not only to explore countries, but to follow their passions and extra projects as well. Coming from the typical 60-hours workweek, 2-weeks holiday lifestyle, this can even become a little overwhelming!
Let us know what you think about the Interview in the comments or our Facebook Group!
- The Simple Path To Wealth by Jim Collins
- Vanguard ETF
- The NomadNumbers blog
- The NomadNumbers newsletter
- The NomadNumbers travel tool (early access to FI Europe Podcast listeners)
- The Nomadtopia podcast
- Mr. and Mrs. Nomad Numbers spending report: their FI saving target was 40k USD by following the 4% rule, and they have closed their first nomadic year spending 28k USD and expect to spend about 30k USD on their second year
- Note on US Tax optimization: when Mr. NN says that “ppl can pay zero tax towards a specific income level for income coming from long term capital gain” he is referring to federal US taxes, so there could still be state-specific taxes to pay. (more details)
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A special thanks to Alvar, Mathias and the entire Financial Independence Europe team for sharing our story on their wonderful podcast!
If people have any questions for us, please feel free to reach out (or leave us a comment here!).