Episode 075 – How to Setup a Profitable Remote Business With Airbnb | Bastian From Officeflucht.de

Episode 075 – How to Setup a Profitable Remote Business With Airbnb | Bastian From Officeflucht.de

Hello! Today Mathias interviews Bastian Barami, a German living a nomad lifestyle. After getting bored with his office work, in 2015 he started an amazon FBA business and switched to Airbnb later on. Today we learn about his story, the steps you need to take to run a successful Airbnb business and the advantages of Airbnb compared to amazon FBA. Enjoy this inspiring story!

We also talk about:

  • Running a profitable airnb arbitrage business
  • Dealing with landlords and authorities
  • Remote companies
  • Remote work in Germany
  • … and in Thailand
  • Risks of turning passions into business

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Why and how not to work in the office

More and more people become aware of the notion that working everyday in the office is just one of the options. Bastian identifies a number of factors, from transportation becoming more accessible to weather conditions, that make location independent work a more desirable option. Whether you are part of a remote team, freelancing or working on your own business, the technological tools available nowadays are posing a serious challenge to the traditional – and often not optimal – mindset of working all together in one place.

Becoming location dependent again with Airbnb

After his experience with Amazon FBA, Bastian switched to an Airbnb-centred business. Starting from his own need to move frequently and leave rented homes empty for long periods, he has elaborated a sub-renting method that makes a profit of up to 3x his renting expenses without the need of high initial investments, generating a positive cashflow after 3 or 4 months. He explains how a clever use of Airbnb algorithms and the lack of professionalism of many hosts around the world can help increase revenues.

Airbnb strategies and tools for Europeans

Bastian’s method is based on locations outside of Europe. The situation a potential investor could face in Europe is very different due to the very nature of European cities and the many regulations that are related to this factor. It can still be possible to set up a profitable business, but it’s crucial to implement a system that makes good use of the available tools to automate location management, communications, and even to choose the right cities.

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