Episode 089 – Financial Independence As An Employee | Alvar Damen
Hello! Today Alvar is being interviewed by Michael from the Irish FIRE Podcast. The episode is focussing on to get to FI as an employee in Europe. Alvar is 27 years old, working in IT and currently living in Scotland. He talks about how he is saving £1500 pounds per month, travel hacks and on how important side projects are for him and for the FI journey. Enjoy!
We talk about:
• How Alvar is saving £1500 pounds per month
• How to get to FI with a normal job
• Travel hacks
• His various side hustles
• How to work together with your partner on the pad to FI
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Mad Fientist Spreadhsheet:
MMM – Spreadsheet to rule them all:
Getting in touch with Alvar at FI Europe Podcast:
Website: https://financial-independence.eu
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2 thoughts on “Episode 089 – Financial Independence As An Employee | Alvar Damen”
Well you can be as conservative as you want on the P2P portals but there is always the risk of portal itself. Envestio is a good example.. last i heard the Envestio website/company & peoples money is just gone – poof.
Hi Juri, that is definitely true and although I pulled out in time of Envestio I accept the risk that certain platforms go bankrupt/are scams.