Episode 127 – How To Make Your Dreams Happen | Dina from SMIQQL

Episode 127 – How To Make Your Dreams Happen | Dina from SMIQQL

Hi FI Europeans, this is Mathias. Today I interview Dina Holzapfel. She is an Entrepreneur living in Switzerland with roots in the US. She’s a great role mode and showing us one thing: how to make your dreams happen – having an idea and enjoying the journey to ship it to the customer – although it’s sometimes tough.

After a corporate career in the oil industry, working in Venture Capital and having lived in many countries Dina founded her passion business around innovation in the food industry. In this episode you can find out how she approached building it, how to finance it and what advice she has to offer for people who also want to move towards the Entrepreneur Quadrant of life. I’m sure this will inspire some of you to turn your curiosity or hobby into a business that makes you leaving the bed on monday with a smile.

Some people also asked to listen to interviews on Youtube. As we also recorded Video while talking I will share it to our channel this week. Find the link in the show notes and let us know if you see additional value in it or not.

We talk about

  • The story of her product 🌶️
  • How to validate the products
  • where she gets constant help and you could get it to
  • how to deal with production of physical goods
  • Choosing the best distribution channels

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