Episode 143 – Bitcoin basics 1: Choosing right form of money to achieve Financial Independence | David
Hi Fi Europeans,
today I talk with David, a member of our community about cryptocurrencies and in particular Bitcoin. While you might not want to employ crypto to achieve your financial independence goals as it’s harder to predict the result compared with a diversified ETF-Portfolio. Some people already made a small fortune with their early crypto adoption and knocking at the doors of family offices asking for help to preserve their new wealth and transition to a more conservative and diversified approach.
This is the first part of two episodes that is focusing more on what money is and how banks work with our money, how inflation works and it affects our Financial Independence plans. We think it’s important to understand the impact of the new types of money that currently emerge.
☝️ There is a complimentary guide for this episode made by David. Check it out.
We talk
- History and forms of money
- Inflation
- How the money system works nowadays
- Attributes of money
- House of money
- Central Banks
- Europe & Dollar
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- Get Davids beginner guide mentioned in the episode