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Author: Giacomo

Episode 132 – Contrarian Investments In Frontier Markets And The Balcans | Ladislas Maurice

Episode 132 – Contrarian Investments In Frontier Markets And The Balcans | Ladislas Maurice

Hi this is Mathias, today I talk with Ladislace Maurice from the wandering investor about international investing and diversification. In this episode we look into our passion for finding outstanding investments worldwide. So who is Ladislas? He studied outside of Europe in Australia and Canada and was working in Africa for a swiss multinational company. There he gained a lot of international experience in a leadership position. After his career is now solely focusing on researching and traveling especially in…

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Episode 126 – How Being More Charismatic Will Help you With your Finances | Sebastian

Episode 126 – How Being More Charismatic Will Help you With your Finances | Sebastian

In today’s episode, Araminta interview Sebastian, founder of the Art of Charisma and fellow Scot. They chat about the definition of charisma, why charismatic people are more successful and how to implement charisma habits in a work and personal environment. They also chat about: Why it’s important to be more charismatic How to build a mindset that encourages charisma Benefits of being charismatic in the workplace Steps and tips to becoming more charismatic Charisma tips during Covid times Don’t forget…

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Episode 120 – Should Musicians Strive for Financial Independence? | Joshua

Episode 120 – Should Musicians Strive for Financial Independence? | Joshua

In today’s episode Araminta chats with Joshua, a musician who’s working towards financial independence. They chat about freelancer struggles as a musician, how he manages his own money and some tips he wish he knew starting out. They also chat about: Why there’s a stereotype of the “broke musician” How musicians can take control of their money Why musicians should strive towards FI How Joshua is adapting to Covid-19 Tips he wish he knew starting out Don’t forget to subscribe…

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Episode 119 – I’m Retiring in One Week! | A Purple Life

Episode 119 – I’m Retiring in One Week! | A Purple Life

In today’s episode Araminta interview Purple, a FI blogger based in Seattle, the US. They chat about her plans to retire at the age of 30, how she’s managing her finances and her plans for once she retires. They also chat about: How she cut expenses and increased her income How she reached the $500,000 mark Keeping herself motivated Her plans once she is retired Whether she would recommend this path to others Don’t forget to subscribe to our podcast…

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Episode 118 – Reflecting and acting on FI choices | Michael

Episode 118 – Reflecting and acting on FI choices | Michael

In this episode Alvar interviews Michael again on the choices he has made to reach FI over the last year and how he is thinking about them now. In this interview, Michael really reflects on his investment choices, mistakes made, and financial losses. We also talk about: How Michaels investing approach changed The current state of the p2p industry The balance between working as much versus earning as much as possible. Forex investing Pension investing Tickets for the event discussed…

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Episode 116 – Why I Prefer Dividend Investing to Reach FI | Derek

Episode 116 – Why I Prefer Dividend Investing to Reach FI | Derek

In today’s episode Araminta chats with Derek, an engineer based in Ireland who uses dividend investing in order to grow his wealth, cover his monthly income and reach FI. We also chat about: How he picks the companies to invest in The broker he uses Managing tax in Ireland How to educate yourself on dividend investing Don’t forget to subscribe to our podcast on Itunes, Android or Spotify. Direct download here. Join our facebook group and subscribe to our newsletter…

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Episode 115 – Steps to Buying properties in Europe as an Expat | Joney

Episode 115 – Steps to Buying properties in Europe as an Expat | Joney

In today’s episode Araminta talks to Joney, a Belgian based in Luxembourg with quite a bit of experience buying properties in Europe. We chat about: How he bought property as an expat The steps to buying property abroad Managing taxes between countries His FI journey and future plans Don’t forget to subscribe to our podcast on Itunes, Android or Spotify. Direct download here. Join our facebook group and subscribe to our newsletter to get infos about our latest online events…

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Episode 114 – How I Moved Back To Europe After Living In A Tax-Free Country | Sebastien

Episode 114 – How I Moved Back To Europe After Living In A Tax-Free Country | Sebastien

In today’s episode Araminta interview Sebastien, a Belgian who moved to Dubai in the UAE and saved up enough money to reach FI at the age of 33. We chat about: • What the tax situation is like in the UAE • The process of moving to Belgium • How to do index investing in Belgium • The differences between living in Belgium and in the UAE • Recommendations for others moving to the UAE Don’t forget to subscribe to…

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Episode 110 – My Mini-Retirement Travelling Around Europe for 12 months | Pablo

Episode 110 – My Mini-Retirement Travelling Around Europe for 12 months | Pablo

In today’s episode, Araminta interviews Pablo, an IT professional from Argentina. They chat about how Pablo saved up enough money to do a mini-retirement and travel around Europe for 12 months. They also chat about: Why he wanted to do a mini retirement A brief rundown of where he went in Europe How much money he saved up How it affected his career Tips for others who want to do a mini retirement Don’t forget to subscribe to our podcast…

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Episode 106 – Applied Flag Theory in Europe | Tim

Episode 106 – Applied Flag Theory in Europe | Tim

Mathias had Tim already in the podcast in episode 90. This time we focus on flag theory. We explain again just briefly the concept of flag theory as we already touched the topic in episode 71 with Christoph from Staatenlos.   It’s basically  about how to choose the country for your residence, business, bank accounts and so on so that you optimize your tax spendings and lifestyle.   Tim will provide us with real world examples as he lived in…

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