Episode 087 – The Year Of Less But Better | Kel from MrsMoneyHQ

Episode 087 – The Year Of Less But Better | Kel from MrsMoneyHQ

Mathias interviews Kel aka Mrsmoneyhq! She is a mum with two kids from Ireland.
We discuss about the very basics of Financial Independence: being smart with your expense while not compromising with the quality of goods you use everyday.
It’s important to think and rethink your spending behaviour from time to time to improve your daily habits. Because: Money that’s not spend doesn’t need to be earned and can be deployed in your investment accounts to work for you and your family’s future.
I’m sure you will get new ideas how to live a minimalist life, learn about Kels story, save money and workaround the downsides that come up when focusing on cutting expenses.

We talk about:

  • Spending less for 1 year retroperspective
  • better savings numbers with proper budgeting
  • deptfree subculture
  • Buying quality for less money
  • Make up without buying makeup
  • Saving money on cars with electric cars
  • What happens when you can’t pay your mortgage
  • Financial Independence after recession in Ireland

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Kels Story

Kels used to worked in the pharmaceutical industry and is now taking care of the kids at in her family’s house in ireland. She now embraces minimalism to live a simple life to move her her family to FI faster. She also talks about time of recession in Ireland and how they were forced to sell their house for a loss.


We go through all budget categories and Kel tells us about her tricks to make the most of her budget in the categories like food, drinking, mobility, entertainment and so on.

How an electric car improves your life

Living outside the town a car is the only way to get from A to B. While a car and transportation is one of the biggest budgets you should aim to spend as less as possible. An electric car can be a great option as you spend less on maintenance, fuel, financing. Kel spends 0.98€ per 100 kilometer. Learn in the episode how Kel neutralized the cost of that car and how she deals with range anxiety.

Continue the Journey

The episode was recorded before christmas 2019. As she saved so much during the year there is more than enough budget to serve a proper christmas meal in transition to 2020. Kel continues with her new habits and maybe the year of less will be the decade of less but better.

Let us know what you think about the Interview in the comments or our Facebook Group!

Thanks to our episode sponsor Evoestate. If you choose to make your first investement with them you’ll get 15€ sign up bonus using our link.


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