Episode 086 – Financial Independence Europe In 2020 | Emma from What Life Could Be

Episode 086 – Financial Independence Europe In 2020 | Emma from What Life Could Be

Hello! Today Alvar and Araminta interview Emma, and talk with her about the current state of the FI movement in Europe: they share their personal stories, information for meeting other like-minded people in Europe and much more. Enjoy!

We also talk about:

    • Stock markets and the Dot-Com bubble
    • The FI mindset
    • Life after FI
    • The role of FIRE events
    • FIWE 2020 retreats
    • Dating apps

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A brief history of FI and how it can enter in our lives

After a brief historical review of how the concept of financial independence has evolved from its first appearance about 800 years ago to our days, Alvar, Araminta and Emma share with us their personal story from an FI perspective, how they came in touch with the concept and the movement, why they decided to become part of it and contribute to its diffusion and what FI means for them.

The FI movement in the USA and in Europe

Almost all the Europeans that first came in touch with financial independence did it through the US FI community and blogs like Mr. Money Mustache. The common feeling for those pioneers was that many assumptions that were valid in the American context didn’t work well within a European context, and the will to adapt that framework and make it a viable option was the prime mover for the birth of an FI movement in Europe: the will to make the information available for others

FI in Europe: some numbers

In the last part of the episode Alvar, Araminta and Emma share some numbers about the state of the FI movement in Europe, analysing the most successful blogs, forums and Facebook groups: what emerges from these numbers is a lively community, still young but fast-growing and widely spread all across Europe, with a strong presence in France, Germany, UK, the Netherlands and even Estonia!

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