Episode 095 – Opportunities During Corona, Real estate & Stocks | Alvar & Mathias

Episode 095 – Opportunities During Corona, Real estate & Stocks | Alvar & Mathias

In today’s episode Alvar and Mathias are discussing the opportunities the current situation is offering. We are mainly digging into stock market investing and the real estate market. We discuss the market in general and approach it from a personal angel at the same time.

We also talk about

  • Great opportunity if you are in your accumulation phase
  • Don’t FOMO – lots of opportunities in stock investing
  • What are Alvar/Matthias doing personally
  • The entire house market is on lockdown, nothing is being offered or bought
  • Not clear if prices will go down or up after lockdown end
  • Many Airbnb properties now are back on the normal rental market. 

Don’t forget to subscribe to our podcast on Itunes, Android or Spotify. Direct download here.

Cheers to Evoestate – the real estate P2P aggregator – who sponsored the episode 🙏

2 thoughts on “Episode 095 – Opportunities During Corona, Real estate & Stocks | Alvar & Mathias

  1. Hi FI Europe! I recently came across your blog and podcast. I really like it, and can’t wait to listen to many of the podcasts you have already recorded in the past, and all the podcasts you will record in the future. Keep up the great work, and thank you! I also look forward to engaging with you in the future on all of the interesting topics you discuss! All the best, Ian.

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