Episode 088 – How To Invest In Europe In 2020 | The Poor Swiss
Hello! Today Alvar interviews Swiss guy about how to invest in Europe in 2020. This interview is all about how to get started with investing, what to do and what not. We cover which criteria to use when deciding which brokerage to use, how to assess if an ETF is the right one for you and much more. Enjoy!
We also talk about:
• Why and how do you invest
• How do you pick a broker and based on what criteria?
• What kind of ETFs to buy.
• How to invest while moving between EU-countries
• How we started with investing personal stories.
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How to invest from the very beginning
We cover how an average investor can get started with investing, the example we take is somebody earning 40K and able to save 1.5K per month. Alvar questions swiss guy on how to get started with investing.
How to pick a brokerage and what to buy
In this part of the episode, we discuss how you can pick the right brokerage company. The main examples we use are interactive brokers and Degiro. Criteria we cover are mainly, the cost of the platform, availability of ETF’s, FX fees and the user-friendliness.
What kind of ETF to buy?
When buying any ETF there are many criteria to take into consideration. We discuss the following.
- Distributing vs accumulating
- Expense ratio
- Physical vs non-physical
- In which country to invest
- Which provider to use (We like Vanguard)
Should you invest in bonds or not?
There are many metrics on how high your bond allocation should be many are basing it on your age or portfolio size. The easiest way of buying them will be through a bond ETF. We also that bonds are returning very low returns right now but are meant to be the stable component of your portfolio.
We also discuss what to take into consideration if you move between counties, why does this matter? Many countries tax investments in different ways and what works for Germany that not necessarily for example the Netherlands.
Let us know what you think about the Interview in the comments or our Facebook Group!
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