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Category: United Kingdom

Episode 148 – FI Meetups in Europe

Episode 148 – FI Meetups in Europe

Today Alvar is back with the Podcast after longer break. Together we discuss all FI Meetups we know in Europe. If you have more send us a message at financialindependenceeurope at or DM on Twitter, Facebook or Instagram @FiEurope. Feel free to reach out to us also to connect! We talk about What we’ve done in the break Meetups we host Meetups we have visited and like   Don’t forget to subscribe our podcast on Itunes, Android or Spotify. Direct…

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077 – Case study Tom & Is Matched Betting An Option? | Tom

077 – Case study Tom & Is Matched Betting An Option? | Tom

Today Alvar interviews Tom from the UK: along with some personal views on FI and personal finance he will share some insights on his current side hustle, matched betting. We will dive into the mechanisms of this form of investment, how it can be effective and what pitfalls to avoid. Enjoy! We also talk about: Investing strategies Traveling Accumulation speed Matched betting and gambling Taxes and legality Bookmakers reactions Don’t forget to subscribe our podcast on Itunes, Android or Spotify. Direct…

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Episode 037 – We Finally Have a FI Book For Europeans | David Sawyer

Episode 037 – We Finally Have a FI Book For Europeans | David Sawyer

Today we interview David Sawyer, the first author of EU/UK FI book! We talk with him about life trajectories, investing, reading and of course his book. We also talk about: Reading books Rabbit holes and life hacks Information and the internet Investing strategies The importance of the stash Investment calculators Don’t forget to subscribe our podcast on Itunes, Android or Spotify. Direct download here. Transferring US knowledge to the UK context is something to write a book about When Dave…

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Episode 035 – Using Mini Retirements and Fun Funds as a FI Strategy

Episode 035 – Using Mini Retirements and Fun Funds as a FI Strategy

Today we interview Leanne, a 23 year old who works in the music industry in London. She is saving for financial independence as well as organizing multiple streams of income. We discuss how she’s finding the balance between being frugal, working and mini retirements. We also talk about: Active and passive income streams Earning more money or being frugal as a general approach to FI Compensating fluctuations in income Being flexible in negotiation Defining a relationship with money Having a…

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Episode 032 – How I worked for 5 Years to Reach FI at 26 | Young FI Guy

Episode 032 – How I worked for 5 Years to Reach FI at 26 | Young FI Guy

Hello from the UK! In this episode our guest, Young FI Guy, talks about how he became financially independent at the young age of 26, how he would do it all over again and picking the right career. A fascinating listen. We also talk about: Are high paying jobs recommended?  The possibility of earning money in a different and flexible way The most important part of reaching financial independence   Should you really do what you love? What he does every day Whether he…

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Episode 018 – How FI is All About Personal Development | Ken Okoroafor

Episode 018 – How FI is All About Personal Development | Ken Okoroafor

We’ve got a pretty mind blowing episode for you today with Ken from The Humble Penny! We talk about Ken’s amazing personal FI journey as someone who literally started from 0, we focus on personal development and he gives us some great actionable advice to reach life optimisation.   Don’t forget to subscribe our podcast on Itunes, Android or Spotify. Direct download here. Who is Ken? Ken is 34 years old, married and with 2 sons. He lives outside London and…

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Episode 17- Is Matched Betting a Worthy Side Hustle? | Foxy Monkey

Episode 17- Is Matched Betting a Worthy Side Hustle? | Foxy Monkey

Today we interview Michael from Foxy Monkey! The go-to blog to learn about matched betting and FI, we talk about how he got started with matched betting, his investing strategy and geoarbitrage. What we talk about: How he got started with FI What is matched betting Is matched betting worth it? How he invests His FI plans and goals Don’t forget to subscribe our podcast on Itunes, Android or Spotify. Direct download here. The Foxiest Monkey of them all Michael is…

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Episode 14 – How a European can reach FI in the UK | The Escape Artist

Episode 14 – How a European can reach FI in the UK | The Escape Artist

Today we talk to the one and only Barney, aka The Escape Artist! We discuss Barney’s personal FI journey, the best way to manage your investments and how a European can reach FI in the UK. What we talk about: Barney’s personal FI journey and strategy How to keep your investing simple How to set up your portfolio against FX risks How a European arriving in the UK should take advantage of the UK banking system Don’t forget to subscribe our…

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Episode 10 – Financially Educate Yourself with Araminta

Episode 10 – Financially Educate Yourself with Araminta

Today’s interesting episode features Araminta (me, the blogger) about financial education, how I started my blog Financially Mint and future FI plans. What we talk about: Who Araminta is How I got started with the FI world The importance of financial education How students should get started on FI Future FI goals It gets pretty interesting (and did you hear Warren Buffet jump out at the beginning?!) ? Subscribe for new episodes on Itunes, Android or Spotify! Or download here! Who is Araminta?…

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Episode 07 – Get to FI in Dubai

Episode 07 – Get to FI in Dubai

Welcome to episode 07 of our FI Europe podcast! Today I had the honour of interviewing Steve from Dead Simple Saving, a Brit who’s worked all the way in Dubai and has now reached Financial Independence. Since both my co-hosts were away at the time (one with a new baby and one on a plane), I was the sole interviewer and it was my first time in person! I was a little nervous at first, but Steve was a great…

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