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Category: Real Estate

Episode 141 – Investing in Real Estate via Syndications | Kris from White Fire Equity

Episode 141 – Investing in Real Estate via Syndications | Kris from White Fire Equity

Hi FI Europeans, some people are really good and a natural fit in building up and managing a bunch of properties. They like to interact with people, workers and other local stakeholders of their real estate. They dig deep into the knowledge domain of Real Estate and take the time. So much time that there is not much left to learn about other asset classes. Like me not everybody currently has the time and ambition to dig deep into DIY…

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Episode 078 – Painkiller for P2P Real Estate Investing | Gustas from Evoestate

Episode 078 – Painkiller for P2P Real Estate Investing | Gustas from Evoestate

Hello FI Europeans! Today Mathias interviews Gustas Germanavičius, an entrepreneur from Lituania. He is the CEO of Evoestate, a P2P lending aggregator – think of it as the Mintos of real estate. With Evoestate right now you can diversify across projects of 18 other deal providers like Bulkestate, Brickstarter, Crowdestor, Bergfürst. It all starts with an investment amount of just 50 euros, and you can not only invest in loans but also rental property and buy real equity shares. Lots…

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064 – Real Estate Investing Strategies for Financial Independence | Ed

064 – Real Estate Investing Strategies for Financial Independence | Ed

Hello! Today we will talk with Ed from the UK, and we will dive deep into how to build a real estate portfolio, strategies, how to behave as a landlord and much more. Sit back, relax and enjoy! We also talk about: Investing strategies Diversifying a property investment portfolio Finding the right business partner UK taxes on properties Investing in different areas of England Self-analysis paralysis Don’t forget to subscribe our podcast on Itunes, Android or Spotify. Direct download here. Building…

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Episode 038 – How I Make $40,000/year From Property Investments in Poland

Episode 038 – How I Make $40,000/year From Property Investments in Poland

Today we talk with the Financial Gladiator, a German who is now traveling the world after having reached financial independence. After investing in Polish real estate at the right time and with the right mentality, he now has a consistent flow of passive income. In addition, we talk with him about different investing strategies. We also talk about: Investing routes and personal preference Net gain percentages with real estate Macroeconomic indicators Driving factors in choosing a house Timing the market…

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Episode 033 – Using Real Estate and Geoarbitrage to Get a 7% Yearly Return | Ines

Episode 033 – Using Real Estate and Geoarbitrage to Get a 7% Yearly Return | Ines

Today we talk with Ines from Portugal. She currently lives in Germany and works in banking and finance, and is investing in real estate in her homeland in order to accelerate her path to FI. We also talk about: Real estate investing A different mindset to achieve FI The importance of budgeting Portugal as a convenient place for investing How the current political situation can influence investing Renting vs. buying Don’t forget to subscribe our podcast on Itunes, Android or Spotify….

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Episode 027 – Why I Refinanced My Apartment to Invest in the Stock Market | FIRE The Boss

Episode 027 – Why I Refinanced My Apartment to Invest in the Stock Market | FIRE The Boss

Hoi hoi round 2! Today we interview B from the Netherlands. After buying his flat at age 22, he tells us how he got started with property investing, why he sometimes recommends timing the market and his refinancing strategy. What we also talk about: Why and how he got started with real estate so young Wealth tax and some property numbers How and why he refinanced his apartment His philosophy when it comes to debt Not paying off his student…

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Episode 026 – Case Study Part 2: Is Property Investing Worth it, Can I get Passive Income and Should I do FX Trading?

Episode 026 – Case Study Part 2: Is Property Investing Worth it, Can I get Passive Income and Should I do FX Trading?

Today’s Friday episode is the second part of our case study with Nicolas! A Romanian living in the Netherlands who wants help figuring out investing 💪 This time we tackle the subject of property investing, passive income, P2P lending and foreign exchange trading! What we also talk about: Investing in stocks vs real estate When is property investing worth it Getting started with P2P investing Timing the market with foreign exchange rates Don’t forget to subscribe our podcast on Itunes, Android…

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Episode 022 – How to Invest in the Spanish Real Estate Market | My Blue Bricks

Episode 022 – How to Invest in the Spanish Real Estate Market | My Blue Bricks

Today we interview Christoph, a German expat living in Barcelona. He tells us what the real estate market looks like in Spain, how to get started and how the real estate company he co founded is educating others on property investing. What we talk about: How Christoph got started in the world of financial independence The current real estate market in Spain Can anyone invest in Spain? How he finds properties and what to look for What Blue Bricks does…

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Episode 020 – Reaching FI in the US vs in Europe | The Mastermind Within

Episode 020 – Reaching FI in the US vs in Europe | The Mastermind Within

A very interesting episode brought to you today with Erik from the USA! We chat about the differences between reaching FI in the US versus in Europe, his house-hacking strategies and entrepreneurship on both sides of the ocean. What we talk about: The FIRE movement in the US vs in Europe Entrepreneurship is easier in the US House hacking The pros and cons of reaching FI in Europe   Don’t forget to subscribe our podcast on Itunes, Android or Spotify. Direct…

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Episode 09 – P2P Lending in Denmark

Episode 09 – P2P Lending in Denmark

In today’s episode we interview Jørgen from Denmark about peer to peer lending, how to do your p2p lending research and diversifying your portfolio with real estate. An awesome episode. What we talk about: Reaching FI in Denmark P2P lending and what it’s about The best research strategy Crowdlending vs index funds How to get started with p2p Real estate His FI journey Let’s get to it! ? Subscribe for new episodes on Itunes, Android or Spotify! direct download especially for Kamil…

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