Episode 144 – Bitcoin basics 2: Bitcoin basics and tools to get started | David

Episode 144 – Bitcoin basics 2: Bitcoin basics and tools to get started | David

    In the last episode, we covered the basics of the monetary system and history with David, a member of our community. Check out that episode if you haven’t already. Today in the second part we cover the basics of Bitcoin. Still, many FI Europeans haven’t gotten their feet wet with crypto. If you like to start experimenting with it or you already started but haven’t thought about the basic concepts behind you might want to continue listening. If…

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Episode 143 – Bitcoin basics 1: Choosing right form of money to achieve Financial Independence | David

Episode 143 – Bitcoin basics 1: Choosing right form of money to achieve Financial Independence | David

      Hi Fi Europeans, today I talk with David, a member of our community about cryptocurrencies and in particular Bitcoin. While you might not want to employ crypto to achieve your financial independence goals as it’s harder to predict the result compared with a diversified ETF-Portfolio. Some people already made a small fortune with their early crypto adoption and knocking at the doors of family offices asking for help to preserve their new wealth and transition to a…

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Episode 142 – How Regulation Will Change P2P Lending | Mintos CEO Martins Sulte

Episode 142 – How Regulation Will Change P2P Lending | Mintos CEO Martins Sulte

    Hi FI Europeans, today I had the pleasure to interview Martins Sulte who is the founder and CEO of Mintos. It’s the biggest P2P Lending marketplace in Europe and they started in 2015  and are headquartered in Riga. On mintos platform, there are currently around 50 companies that lend out loans in 12 currencies to borrowers in 38 countries worldwide. More than 40k investors fund loans in 9 loan segments. Like car loans, property, agriculture, small business, consumer…

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Episode 141 – Investing in Real Estate via Syndications | Kris from White Fire Equity

Episode 141 – Investing in Real Estate via Syndications | Kris from White Fire Equity

Hi FI Europeans, some people are really good and a natural fit in building up and managing a bunch of properties. They like to interact with people, workers and other local stakeholders of their real estate. They dig deep into the knowledge domain of Real Estate and take the time. So much time that there is not much left to learn about other asset classes. Like me not everybody currently has the time and ambition to dig deep into DIY…

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Episode 140 – Reversing wrong life choices | Silke Rosenbusch

Episode 140 – Reversing wrong life choices | Silke Rosenbusch

Hi FI Europeans, have you ever ask yourself how life would be if you haven’t chosen a certain life path? If you would have studied something different If you would have changed job earlier if your husband had taken more parental leave and you could better accelerate your career   While you cannot change the past without a time machine you might want to go into a new direction in the present or future. Today I talk about reversing “wrong”…

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FIRE: The Mini-Retirement

FIRE: The Mini-Retirement

The concept of the mini-retirement runs counter to many of the supposed principles of the FIRE movement. We are supposed to put our heads down, tighten our belts, and dream of a future far, far away, when we will be free.  This concept presupposes that happiness and freedom are only truly accessible once we reach our ‘number.’ This is problematic.  On the other side, many espouse a mini-retirement, or even a series of mini-retirements, à la Tim Ferriss who, in…

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Episode 139 – Aligning interests in Real Estate p2p Lending | Gustas from Inrento

Episode 139 – Aligning interests in Real Estate p2p Lending | Gustas from Inrento

In this episode, I chat with Gustas Germanavičius from InRento who is a young serial Entrepreneur from Lithuania. He just launched a new Lending platform with buy to let property that – on the face of it – doesn’t provide the insane returns we just got used to from other P2P platforms. So you might ask. Why the heck should I continue listening? Well. It’s about more transparency, lower risk and aligned interest between platform, borrower and investor. We talk…

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Episode 138 – Three places to call home | with Matthias Richter from Financial Imagineer

Episode 138 – Three places to call home | with Matthias Richter from Financial Imagineer

Hello FI Europeans this is Mathias, today Interview Matthias Richter from Financial Imagineer. He is already FI and lives in Taiwan, Singapore and Switzerland. He has been working for UBS Bank advising wealthy people in Asia in the past and is now somehow retired. We talk about his path starting to work in Taiwan, his experience living in multiple homes throughout the year and what he learned from his father about success and money. That and much more in today’s…

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Episode 137 – Career Hacking | Goncalo

Episode 137 – Career Hacking | Goncalo

Hi Fi Europeans this is Mathias! Today I Interview Goncalo and we make it little case study. I met him the first time at the FI Europe Retreat in Portugal and we now catch up and to see what happened to Goncalo in the last 2 years. You learn about the stages he took to get from a lower income country Portugal to Switzerland by taking a stopover in the Czech Republic. We see what he learned in and about…

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Episode 136 – Crypto Assets Update – New Applications and Infrastructure for 2021

Episode 136 – Crypto Assets Update – New Applications and Infrastructure for 2021

In this episode we dive quite deep into cryptocurrencies and assets! Because decentralized financial systems will one day compliment or replace the current financial system. Decentralized technologies are also evolving and can fuel all kinds of non-financial transactions, too. Like insurance policies, event tickets or investing in companies. And right now mainstream financial providers like paypal starting to adopt crypto currencies like bitcoin. Hedge fund managers like Peter Druckenmiller and companies like Square and microstrategy favor investing their company capital…

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